Tag: holiday

A St. Patrick’s Day Return (17/03/2023)

A St. Patrick’s Day Return (17/03/2023)

This will be super-short. I’m aware I haven’t posted in a while (sorry about that), but I’ve been away, and taking time off to be present on a whole month away in May/June – more on that in 3-4 month’s time! Also, I’ve been editing content for my Writer Group’s second anthology, and am really excited about that, but it does chew up a bit of my time.

Anyway, back to St. Patrick’s Day! Actually, did you know that March 17th is also Italian Reunification Day? Well, you do now. From prior observation, they don’t seem to celebrate the day with any material significance, but please do correct me if I’m wrong.

Anyway, we had the day off, as all Irish people do, on St. Patrick’s Day. We had a lie-in and had an afternoon flight. This time, we would be flying out with a friend who would be staying with us for a few days, of a 15-day holiday in total – more guests would join us the following week. We only met at the boarding gate, and I can’t remember if Niamh and I had something to eat either in the airport or mid-flight. We must have had, as we would have been too hungry by the time we’d gotten to Volterra. Truth be told, we were still hungry by the time we got there anyway, haha!

We got there in one piece, had no baggage to pick up, thankfully – and walked the 4-500 metres to the car rental building. These past few times, Niamh has booked with the RyanAir partner, but there seems to be significant churn on them – a different provider every trip! This time, it was Italy Car Rent, who I have to say were very good, in that the process of picking up the car was one of the fastest we’d experienced. We got another Fiat Panda. Look, we know it’s about about half as powerful as a dead mouse, but it’s got a decent transmission (5th to 4th a bit janky, though), is comfortable and has a fast-acting aircon system – certainly for those sitting in front. Given its size, it’s also easy to manoeuvre and park – no wonder Italian country roads are littered with them!

We climbed in, noted that the boot was barely big enough for all our hand-helds and backpacks and drove to Volterra. It was already dark by the time we started driving, but was pitch when we got there, just before 22:00. We parked in a pay carpark, which are free from 20:00-08:00 (so I’d have to get up and move it!), and marched towards Porgi L’Altra Pancia, which is chiefly a restuarant, despite what Google says. Unfortunately, they were packing up, but we got a warm welcome from Adrian – one of the waiters there. We had to double-back where we were then accosted by Ilenia from La Sosta del Priore, who also greeted us enthusiastically and we chatted for a minute or two – she’s so lovely (and bloody hard-working!).

After that, I trotted up to Terra di Mezzo, but it too was closed. A shame – I could have murdered a pasta dish. It had been almost 6 months without a decent one! Anyway, looks like we’d settle for a pizza. We lashed back towards Pizzeria Ombra della Sera and got a nod from the dude who has seen us 20 times before and ordered. I was silently grateful that they were at least open (if only for pizzas – they have other fare on the menu, but the main kitchen was closed). We ended up thoroughly enjoying what we ordered – along with some beers.

Once done and paid, it was off to the apartment where our friend got her first taste of the 76 steps. I hadn’t set the expectation properly, as she thought the steps were on the outside of the building, not the inside, and so she wasn’t as put out as she thought she was going to be. A 15-minute tour of the apartment later, and we were all in bed after an exhausting day.

It’s good to be back! Let me know what you think, and feel free to like and subscribe!

Long and Lovely Lunch at Terra di Mezzo (05/08/2021)

Long and Lovely Lunch at Terra di Mezzo (05/08/2021)

As it was just after our first night, we had no trash to take down, so I could afford to take my time. I still had to move the car by 08:00, though. I grabbed my phone, grip and mic and headed to the carpark.

I got in and drove down to the free carpark, at Docciola. At that hour, I found a spot with no hassle. However, the downside of that carpark is that you have to climb up a couple of hundred steps to get back into town. When there, I walked along Via Gramsci, and stopped off at Pasticceria Migliorini for some pasticcini for breakfast. Italians’ breakfasts are usually sweet, so I just wanted to fit in.

I have a little video about my little walk here:

Once done, I yummied down the pasticcini, had a shower and headed out to meet Alice from our estate agents, who have a great property management service. We gave them a gift of a ton of drink-themed chocolate, and we were given a quick tour of their new office; a great upgrade from their previous one! Very nice indeed.

We had to renew our parking permit, so Alice brought us to the municipal police station in Torre di Porcellino. We waited in line here while the queue slowly moved along.

While we waited, I ran to a tabacchi to buy stamps to affix to the permit… a sort of mini-tax to be affixed to the permit itself.

It was finally our turn, and we were served by a dapper young gent in civilian clothes. For some reason, and we’re still not sure why, our permit was downgraded from ‘R’ (pretty much full resident’s permit – you can park almost everywhere, and drive through town on designated roads), to ‘F’, which allows us park in 3 areas – and we’d have to ask for permission to drive through town. Now, it annoyed me, but in practical terms it didn’t really impact us, as we were still able to park in our usual carpark.

Anyway, next year, we’ll see if we can get upgraded again… but maybe not get so upset if we can’t pull it off.

One of the traditions Niamh and I have is to try to have our first major meal in La Taverna di Terra di Mezzo – largely down to the time we were welcomed back by them at the beginning of our second ever visit to Volterra. So, we went there for lunch! And we weren’t disappointed.

The food was amazing! We also doused ourselves in the house red and white. When all was done, Aurora opened a bottle of limoncello, and left it and three glasses with us! We weren’t abusive, and just had maybe five shots between the three of us. I ended up leaving satisfied and perhaps just a little tipsy!

The lunch took over 2.5 hours…. but I loved every minute of it. Afterwards, to burn off the calories (and some boooze), we had a stroll around the town a little. This was cool, as I so rarely take photos of it at this time… most of mine are taken in the morning. Anyway, here’s a selection!

We chilled for a little while, before inexplicably getting a little hungry again! So I said I’d pop out to Ombra della Sera pizzeria and grab a couple of pizzas to share. But on the way, sure I had to stop off in L’Antica Velathri Cafe for a quick aperitivo!

I ordered at the pizzeria, and was told it was a 20 minute wait, so I had a quick stroll.

I collected a veggie pizza and a 4-cheese…. I love Ombra’s 4-cheese!

And then to bed! Or maybe some time out on the terrace, then some TV, then bed!

Thanks for reading!

August Strikes Again

August Strikes Again

We took things a little handier after yesterday‘s hectic day. When we were done hanging around the apartment, doing a little writing etc., we took ourselves downstairs and outside. We had to buy a pliers to tidy up a wire, currently suspending the net curtain over the door to our terrace. We grabbed one handily enough in the hardware store on Via dei Sarti, and had another little wander around some of the artsier stores on Via Porta all’Arco.

As we had a mind to eat out tonight, we decided, for the first time ever since we’ve been here, to grab a sandwich out of one of the few streetfood stores near us.  We chose La Sosta del Priore, just around the corner from the entrance to our apartment building.  It gets rave reviews on Trip Advisor, as do a couple of the other streetfood vendors in the area.

We both had variations on a porchetta (roast pork) sandwich.  They assemble it in front of you, and chop up the pork on a flat griddle.  I had sundried tomatoes, porchetta, pecorino with a little fig jam.  It was sensational, and we’ll be trying these streetfood sandwiches again soon.  They fill you right up, too!


I should have taken a photo side-on, as this shot doesn’t do it justice.

Niamh found a single-seater chair she wanted to buy for our living room, in a place in the industrial zone of Colle di Val d’Elsa, a town about 35 minutes drive away.  As it was after 13:00, we had to wait ’til closer to 16:00 before heading out.  Colle di Val d’Elsa also has a lovely medieval town, and a nice centre to its modern area, but we didn’t visit those today – some other time!

Anyhoo, we got there, and noticed that the carpark was suspiciously empty.  Niamh had checked the opening times online, but the message on the window nonetheless stated that they were shut from August 4th until the 27th.  Wonderful.  Back we went, but on the way home, I took some snaps of the countryside as we were driving.

Upon arriving back in Volterra, we decided not to blow our time at the apartment until it was time to eat, but did this instead:


A manly drink for a manly man, in the prime of his manly manhood.  I considered it one of my 5 a day, as it had pulped peach in it.  We got these in Antica Velathri Café (Velathri is what the Etruscans called Volterra back in the day).  There is a fabulous mixologist there, and he’s very friendly to boot.  They also have little bready canapés you can eat, if you like.

After we’d had a couple there, we went to Il Pozzo degli Etruschi for dinner.  Niamh ordered one course with a contorno (side dish) of grilled veg, and I two.  This is the second time we’ve done this, and neither restaurant has gotten the timing right, despite confirming it with us.  So I had my second dish while Niamh had to look on and wait.  We won’t make the same mistake again.

Anyway, she had roast cutlets of wild boar, and she said it was the most delicious meat-dish she’s had here.  I had a taste and had to agree – it was pretty sensational.  I had Zuppa alla Volterrana (veggies!), and after pici with lamb sauce.  The soup was ok – not as good as in a couple of other places I’ve had it, but the pici dish was great!  

As we both had very full bellies, we went home.

There was supposed to be hella rain this morning, so I had conditioned myself to not going out for a walk.  In addition, they were spraying for mosquitoes in the green areas around Volterra, and I didn’t want to be around that.  I tried to sleep in.  I really did, but there it must have been the commercial glass bin collection day today… and they must have set up a central collection point right underneath our bedroom window.  The sound of glass bottles crashing together can become unnerving after 30 straight minutes of it.  Still… it must be done to keep the town tidy.

Long story short: fat, lazy Eoin didn’t go out for a walk today.  Will do so tomorrow!
